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News Thumbnail | Title/Brief/Last Edited |
Immunization Requirements Update 2019-06-25 15:12:01 |
South Middle School Scholars Visit Metropolitan Museum of Art Ms. Janice Greenop of South Middle School coordinated a trip to the Metropolian Museum of Art for three groups of middle school scholars. Enjoy some photos from their trip! 2019-06-21 10:31:23 |
Newburgh Free Library Opens A Universe of Stories Stop by the Main or Branch locations of the Newburgh Free Library and sign up for the Summer Reading Program. There are programs for youth of all ages, and adults too! Registration begins June 17, but continues throughout the summer. 2019-06-20 09:48:28 |
South Middle School Scholars Visit with Co-Valedictorian Scholars from South Middle School learned from co-Valedictorian Matthew Stridiron when he went back to visit former teachers, Ms. Conchetta Carbone and Ms. Cynthia Donohue. 2019-06-19 10:54:53 |
South Middle School Celebrates "Q's Crew" South Middle School held a celebration for groups of students who are affectionately known as "Q's Crew." A group of students from each lunch period volunteer to help Mr. Q, a custodian at South Middle School clear the lunch tables. 2019-06-18 14:51:26 |
South Middle School Teachers Celebrate "Vocabulary Superstars" This year South Middle School teachers Mrs. Sukhai and Mr. Hickey challenged students to get 100% on every vocabulary quiz and to learn more than 250 words. 2019-06-18 13:45:57 |
South Middle School June 2019 Calendar Many events are happening this week and next at South Middle School. Take a look at the calendar to learn more. 2019-06-18 08:17:51 |
South Middle School Students Celebrate Third Annual Elephant Day South Middle School students celebrated the third annual Elephant Day by hosting elephant themed activities geared toward raising money. The group has donated the money raised, about $500, to the Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. 2019-06-17 14:34:04 |
Sound Recording Class is Available for ESYP 2019 In this brand new program, students will work with and discover the world of sound recording and technology through hands on projects. 2019-06-13 08:21:16 |
Announcing the NECSD School Store Announcing the NECSD School Store! The store will be open until Sunday, June 16th! 2019-06-12 08:05:14 |
South Middle School 7th Graders Visit Purple Heart Museum and New Windsor Cantonment 7th grade students at South Middle School attended the Purple Heart Museum and the New Windsor Cantonment on May 30th as part of their social studies education, having studied the first half of US History this year. 2019-06-12 07:21:30 |
2019-2020 Talent Development Program Our district鈥檚 Talent Development Program provides scholars with classroom settings and additional learning opportunities that develop their special talents and abilities in grades K-8. 2019-06-10 09:33:43 |
ESYP Middle School Musical will be James and the Giant Peach, Jr.! Spaces Still Available. The Extended Summer Year Program will be offering a program that will allow middle schools students to perform in a musical. The musical selected is James and the Giant Peach. The teacher will be Mrs. Fay Pacht. 2019-06-06 13:10:57 |
NECSD Providing Amazing Learning Opportunities Chromebooks for Scholars During the 2018-19 school year, the Newburgh Enlarged City School District embarked on a goal of giving scholar鈥檚 access to Chromebooks. 2019-06-05 19:25:54 |
草榴社区North Certified Nurse Aide Program and Partnerships Highlighted The 草榴社区North Certified Nurse Aide Program and Partnerships were highlighted in Sunday's paper. Take a moment to read about our collaboration with prestigious community organizations to prepare our scholars for college and career. 2019-06-03 11:30:45 |
NECSD Empire State After School Program Drumline View a quick "promotional" video for the NECSD Empire State After School Program Drumline. 2019-06-03 08:24:11 |
South Middle School Inducts Students to National Junior Honor Society New members of the South Middle School National Junior Honor Society were inducted into the chapter. Members were honored for their demonstration of Scholarship, Service, Leadership, Character, and Citizenship. 2019-05-29 10:02:31 |
Empire State After-School Program Parent/Student/Staff Surveys Student, parents, and staff of the Empire After-School Program please complete the following surveys. You feedback is essential in our decision making process. 2019-05-29 08:58:02 |
Newburgh Free Academy Names Valedictorian and Salutatorian Newburgh Free Academy is proud to announce Co-Valedictorians Martin Peticco and Matthew Stridiron as Valedictorian and Sydney Reede as Salutatorian of the class of 2019. 2019-05-22 13:00:38 |
Voters Approved All Propositions for 2019-2020 On Tuesday, May 21, NECSD residents approved the district鈥檚 school budget, thelibrary budget, the Transportation limit, Proposition 4: District-wide Capital Improvement, Proposition 5: District-Wide Capital Improvement, and elected three BOE members. 2019-05-22 08:58:59 |
草榴社区Cross Country Team Mentors Lap4Life's Youth Running Program for Second Consecutive Year The program is a way for the Cross Country Team to get involved in community service while teaching the youth about a sport they feel passion toward - running! The foundation strives to bring the greater Newburgh community together. 2019-05-16 09:30:21 |
South Middle School Celebrates Poem in your Pocket Day! tudents were greeted with poems on their lockers in the morning (posted by members of the 6th grade MBK), and were encouraged to read or recite their poem to an administrator for a prize! 2019-05-15 13:50:06 |
Letter from building principal, Dr. Buon 2019-05-14 15:53:50 |
South Middle School Performed Spring Concert South Middle School held their spring concert with included performances from orchestra, concert orchestra, 8th grade band, 6th grade chorus, concert band, and 7th & 8th grade chorus. Progam and photos included. 2019-05-13 11:38:17 |
South Middle School Students Make Their Own Instruments The objective was to create and perform on an instrument that they have made out of materials they have found. The purpose of the project was to demonstrate their ability to create and perform on an instrument that they have made. 2019-05-06 14:48:42 |
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